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Steam plasma gasification is the most environmentally safe and advanced way to dispose waste products. Steam plasma consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Both components are active reagents in oxidation-reduction reactions, and at the same time the extremely high temperature of a plasma jet in a large volume of more than 5,000°C can destroy any organic and biological materials, fully destroy the most toxic poisons, smelt and evaporate the most high-melting inorganic compounds.
Steam plasma gasification is the most environmentally safe and advanced way to dispose waste products. Steam plasma consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Both components are active reagents in oxidation-reduction reactions, and at the same time the extremely high temperature of a plasma jet in a large volume of more than 5,000°C can destroy any organic and biological materials, fully destroy the most toxic poisons, smelt and evaporate the most high-melting inorganic compounds.
Contaminants Emission Concentration of Contaminants, mg/m³
Maximum Permissible Level (According to EU Norms) Steam Plasma Gasification, no more than
Dust 10 0,3
Sulfur Dioxide 50 1
Nitrogen Oxide 200 20
Carbon Oxide 50 2
Hydrogen Chloride 10 0,2
Hydrogen Fluoride 1 0,1
Total Carbon 10 0,6
Mercury 0,03 0,005
Cadmium/Thallium 0,5 0,001
Heavy Metals Sum 0,5 0,01
Dioxines/Furans 0,1·10-6 0,002·10-6

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