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PLAZARIUM took part in the German-Russian Economic Congress


October 6, 2016 in Berlin, the Economic Congress "Germany - Russia 2016" was hold with the organization and the assistance of the Council of the Russian economy in Germany. At the congress there were presented international projects of PLAZARIUM company in the field of plasma gasification of waste in Germany and EU.
PLAZARIUM company took part in the Day of Russia in Germany


May 25, 2016 in the exhibition center HanseMesse in Rostock, Russian Day in Germany was hold with the participation of Prime Minister of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. At the exhibition there were presented international projects of PLAZARIUM company in the field of plasma gasification of waste in Germany and EU.
PLAZARIUM company at the round table in the "Special Economic Zone" Dubna "


May 19, 2016 in the Moscow region at the Congress Centre "Special Economic Zone" Dubna a round table: "New Opportunities and Prospects" was hold, during which PLAZARIUM presented its innovative products and services in the field of plasma waste gasification and plasma waste pyrolysis for fuel production.