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  • I nostri progetti|
  • 25.12.2015
    Assembly and installation of the second phase of technological equipment for the production of plasma gasification units and steam plasma torches as part of industrial plasma systems.
  • 20.12.2015
    Staff increase and new job opportunities for new production capacities in the development and production of PLAZARIUM plasma equipment (plasma units and plasma systems).
  • 12.12.2015
    The second stage of construction of the new laboratory, test facilities and new PLAZARIUM production complex for industrial plasma systems and plasma gasification units has been finished
Assembly and installation of the second phase of technological equipment for the production of plasma gasification units and steam plasma torches as part of industrial plasma systems.


At the end of December 2015, the installation of new technological equipment was carried out after the construction of the second part of the PLAZARIUM production facility was completed. The equipment is necessary for the production and testing of new steam plasma torches as part of industrial plasma systems, mobile units for plasma gasification of waste to generate synthesis gas and subsequent production of electrical and thermal energy, units for the destruction and neutralization of hazardous waste, as well as units for plasma pyrolysis for the production of fuel (gasoline and diesel).
Staff increase and new job opportunities for new production capacities in the development and production of PLAZARIUM plasma equipment (plasma units and plasma systems).


In the end of 2015, PLAZARIUM launched staff increase for its new production capacities. New job opportunities were posted involving work on the new technological operations for development and production of electronics for steam plasma torches and plasma systems, waste plasma gasification, plasma hydrocracking, plasma pyrolysis, plasma melting and hybrid plasma plant for producing fuel (petrol and diesel), as well as management of the new technological equipment necessary for the production of new innovative products.
The second stage of construction of the new laboratory, test facilities and new PLAZARIUM production complex for industrial plasma systems and plasma gasification units has been finished


Construction of the second phase of PLAZARIUM production, laboratory and testing has been completed on the territory of Technopolis Moscow. The total production area has doubled, allowing to accommodate new technological equipment for production and testing. The most modern industrial plasma systems, mobile plants for waste plasma gasification, and plasma pyrolysis plants for the production of gasoline and diesel will be produced and tested on the territory of the second part of PLAZARIUM production facility.
New equipment models by PLAZARIUM will now be tested and researched on the most modern platform with large energy capacities. Testing of the most modern industrial plasma systems PLAZARIUM TPS equipped with steam plasma torches for gasification of waste and PLAZARIUM MGS units for disposal of hazardous waste, medical waste, chemical waste, production waste and breeding complex waste will be carried out on the territory of the new production. PLAZARIUM MGS plasma gasification units are designed according to the company’s most recent developments. Full destruction and production of ecologically pure synthesis gas (СО + Н2) occurs in the gasification units’ plasma reactors.