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  • Nos projets|
  • 13.12.2012
    Steam plasma torches and industrial plasma systems were presented at the joint stand of the International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA.
  • 24.11.2012
    PLAZARIUM plasma equipment for heat treatment at the International Metalworking Industry Exhibition METALEX 2012.
  • 12.10.2012
    PLAZARIUM is a new resident of the main Technopolis of Moscow and the first company in history to change the innovative site of the city due to the need to expand the production area.
  • 18.09.2012
    The first stage of the technological equipment installation for the new PLAZARIUM industrial plasma systems and plasma torches workshop has been started.
  • 07.06.2012
    PLAZARIUM presented developments in the field of municipal services related to the disposal of solid waste and wastewater treatment at the III Specialized Exhibition Clean City
  • 19.01.2012
    The beginning of the design of a new laboratory, test base and a new production of PLAZARIUM industrial plasma torches and plasma systems.
Steam plasma torches and industrial plasma systems were presented at the joint stand of the International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA.


In the period from 11.12.2012 to 13.12.2012, PLAZARIUM took part in the International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012, where the company presented its latest developments in the field of plasma gasification and waste disposal, as well as its steam plasma torches and industrial plasma systems PLAZARIUM TPS.
PLAZARIUM plasma equipment for heat treatment at the International Metalworking Industry Exhibition METALEX 2012.


PLAZARIUM took part in the largest International Metalworking Industry Exhibition METALEX 2012 that was held on November 21-24 in Bangkok, Thailand. The exhibition presented the latest developments of the PLAZARIUM company and equipment in the field of plasma gasification and plasma hydrocracking, as well as in the field of heat treatment of various materials.
PLAZARIUM is a new resident of the main Technopolis of Moscow and the first company in history to change the innovative site of the city due to the need to expand the production area.


The first stage of the technological equipment installation for the new PLAZARIUM industrial plasma systems and plasma torches workshop has been started.


In early August 2012, PLAZARIUM completed the design of a new factory and started the construction of a new facility in accordance with the approved design. The installation of technological equipment has begun. This equipment will be used for the production of steam plasma torches, industrial plasma systems and plasma gasification plants for waste destruction and waste disposal.
PLAZARIUM presented developments in the field of municipal services related to the disposal of solid waste and wastewater treatment at the III Specialized Exhibition Clean City


On July 7, 2012, the III Specialized Exhibition Clean City was held in Moscow. At the exhibition, PLAZARIUM presented its latest innovations and technologies in the field of municipal services related to waste disposal, plasma gasification and wastewater treatment. The company presented its steam plasmatrons as part of the plasma systems PLAZARIUM TPS for waste plasma gasification.
Birthday of STROGINO Technopark. Exactly 3 years have passed since the start of production of industrial plasma torches on the territory of the Technopark.


3 years ago, PLAZARIUM located its production facilities at the site of the STROGINO Technopark. Over the past 3 years the company created successful assembly facilities, service center and sales office at the Technopark site and successfully promoted the company’s ideas and developments throughout the world.
The PLAZARIUM company, a manufacturer of plasma torches and waste processing plants, became the best enterprise of the year in the North-West Administrative District of Moscow.


The PLAZARIUM company, a manufacturer of steam plasma torches and waste processing plants, is the Best Enterprise of 2012 in the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow in the nomination "Manufacture of industrial products".
PLAZARIUM at a meeting with a business delegation presented new opportunities for waste recycling in the regions.


On May 16, the STROGINO Technopark was visited by a delegation from the Innovation Center for Small and Medium Enterprises. The delegation included heads of innovative companies that are residents of this center. The PLAZARIUM company, at a meeting with the delegation, presented new opportunities for waste processing in the regions of the country and the advantages of building multi-module plants for the processing of solid waste and the destruction of hazardous waste.
PLAZARIUM took part in the meeting of the board of the government's economic policy, which considered the issues of processing MSW and industrial waste.


The PLAZARIUM company took part in a meeting of the Economic Policy Board of the Government, which considered the future prospects for the development of the city's economy and the processing of MSW and industrial waste. The issues of building a number of plants for the processing of MSW, including those using plasma gasification technology, were considered .
The beginning of the design of a new laboratory, test base and a new production of PLAZARIUM industrial plasma torches and plasma systems.


The PLAZARIUM company has begun to design a new production facility due to the expansion of production capacities and the need to modernize the existing production. Research and development of new modern and innovative plasma equipment for various thermal processes will be carried out, as well as the most modern industrial plasma systems and steam plasma torches in their composition, mobile plasma gasification units, units for destruction and neutralization of standard and hazardous waste and hybrid plasma plants for obtaining fuel (gasoline and diesel).