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Within the period from 11.12.2012 to 13.12.2012 PLAZARIUM took part in the International Exhibition and Energy Conference 2012.
POWER-GEN International is a leader in the field of the latest information on trends, technologies and problems faced by the energy industry.
Within the period from 11.12.2012 to 13.12.2012 PLAZARIUM took part in the International Exhibition and Energy Conference 2012.
POWER-GEN International is a leader in the field of the latest information on trends, technologies and problems faced by the energy industry.
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#127#1
The need in more effective and cost-saving operation is becoming increasingly important, and no other event brings together the problems and their solutions as the Power-Gen International does. Every year it attracts more than 19,000 visitors from all over the world and 1,200 companies from all sectors of the industry represent there new solutions and innovative products. POWER-GEN International is a source of new ideas and ways to improve the efficiency of energy enterprises.
The need in more effective and cost-saving operation is becoming increasingly important, and no other event brings together the problems and their solutions as the Power-Gen International does. Every year it attracts more than 19,000 visitors from all over the world and 1,200 companies from all sectors of the industry represent there new solutions and innovative products. POWER-GEN International is a source of new ideas and ways to improve the efficiency of energy enterprises.
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#126#1
At the exhibition, PLAZARIUM presented its latest developments in the field of plasma gasification of domestic, hazardous and medical waste and waste of the various industries.

It presented process plasma systems PLAZARIUM TPS and steam plasmatrons of 30 to 350 kW, as well as the full energy range of equipment for their operation as part of the waste plasma gasification plant PLAZARIUM MGS.
At the exhibition, PLAZARIUM presented its latest developments in the field of plasma gasification of domestic, hazardous and medical waste and waste of the various industries.

It presented process plasma systems PLAZARIUM TPS and steam plasmatrons of 30 to 350 kW, as well as the full energy range of equipment for their operation as part of the waste plasma gasification plant PLAZARIUM MGS.
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA#190#143#1
The international energy conference was held within the framework of POWER-GEN International 2012.
The international energy conference was held within the framework of POWER-GEN International 2012.
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA
International Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USAInternational Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USAInternational Exhibition and Energy Conference POWER-GEN 2012 in the USA

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